It has been more than two months since Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) was suspended from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store in India. So far, no one has been able to get their hands on any official news regarding the Indian PUBG Mobile variant's potential comeback.
Despite several optimistic statements from various stakeholders and influencers, BGMI hasn't received a specific return date. On top of that, Battlegrounds Mobile India did not get the much-awaited 2.2 update that Tencent rolled out for PUBG Mobile in September. However, the availability of various download links online has confused many users.
The following section will answer whether the Battlegrounds Mobile India 2.2 download links are fake or reliable.
All the 2.2 update download links are unauthorized, as BGMI never received the new version
Readers can find several download links for the latest version of Battlegrounds Mobile India with a Google search. Moreover, there are multiple links available on Twitter that claim to be working. However, as Krafton never unveiled the 2.2 version of Battlegrounds Mobile India, all these update links are unreliable and unofficial.
Installing the Battlegrounds Mobile India application from any unofficial link will likely result in an influx of malware on smartphones or tablets. Because of this, players should refrain from installing an unauthorized APK.
Apart from installing malware, utilizing an unauthorized download link also poses a threat to players' in-game account. Krafton has advised players against using unofficial game clients in response to one of the FAQs related to downloading from unauthorized sources.
Here's what Krafton's quote related to unofficial/cracked game clients said:
"Please download Battleground Mobile India from the official store to play the game. Unofficial/Cracked game clients are not supported and will lead to your account being banned."
Thus, players should avoid wasting their time by downloading the Battlegrounds Mobile India app from an unreliable source. Additionally, gamers should avoid using any hacks, scripts, or third-party booster apps.
When will Krafton release the 2.2 version of Battlegrounds Mobile India?
Krafton's official statement related to the Government of India's MeitY (Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology) blocking BGMI was made in July 2022. Apart from this, there haven't been any updates from the publisher since the game was blocked in India.
Although the BGMI servers haven't gone offline yet, UC purchases are no longer active and the in-game Royale Pass section is also locked. Thus, considering the current situation of Battlegrounds Mobile India, one should not expect the rollout of the 2.2 patch update anytime soon.