After around a month of pre-registration, Battlegrounds Mobile India’s Early Access was released on the Google Play Store. The game has been met with an overwhelming response from the community. Also, all players have been given the option to migrate all their old data, meaning that they will be receiving all their items back.
Joining BGMI's Beta Program will enable players to download Early Access. However, a lot of players do not know about the process and seek the exact procedure.
Steps to becoming Battlegrounds Mobile India’s (BGMI) Beta tester and downloading the 1.4.0 APK version
Players can follow these steps to join the Beta Program:
Step 1: Users must click on the link below to become a Beta tester.
BGMI Beta Program: Click here.
Step 2: Players will find an option stating “Become a Tester” on their screens. Upon clicking on that, they’d join the Beta Program.
Step 3: Next, gamers must tap on the “Download it on Google Play” button.
(Users will be redirected to the Google Play Store page of Battlegrounds Mobile India.)
Step 4: After that, users should tap on the “Install” button. The game will soon get downloaded on their Android devices.
Note: The size of Battlegrounds Mobile India on the Play Store is 721 MB, whereas the Resource Pack is based on the option that the user chooses. Hence, they need enough space.
Step 5: Once BGMI is installed, players can open it on their devices and choose the Resource Packs:
- Low-spec Resource Pack: 379.6MB
- HD Resource Pack: 618.2 MB
Step 6: Finally, users should log in to their accounts to enjoy playing the special Indian version.
An announcement regarding the release of Battlegrounds Mobile India on iOS is yet to be made. Hence, players on that platform will have to wait for the developers to provide further information on that end.