Battlegrounds Mobile India's early access has hit the Play Store, and several eager fans have already made their way to Erangel. Others who are still awaiting access can join the testing program via Battleground Mobile India's site.
Former PUBG Mobile players have an option to transfer progress from PUBG to BGMI. Along with the game data, the former usernames are also carried forward.
However, many new players have joined the game. Some have started all over again. In any case, all players can change their username in Battlegrounds Mobile India in a few quick steps.
How to change a name in Battlegrounds Mobile India
To begin with, players need a 'rename card' to change their user name. Currently, the developer is handing out a rename card for free, which allows users to change their name once.
Step 1: Launch the game and wait for the lobby to load. Then, head over to the package symbol located inside the 'Inventory' tab located at the bottom right of the screen.
Step 2: Once the package section pulls up, find the rename card. Click on 'Use' to use the rename card.
The rename card looks something like this:
Step 3: The next screen will prompt the player to enter a new username.
Step 4: After entering the new name, press the 'OK' tab to confirm and save the changes.
Players should note that the game allows up to one name change per day. To change the username again, players will have to purchase the rename card from the shop for 180 UC.
Disclaimer: This article is meant for beginners and reflects the individual opinion of the writer.
Also read: How to change blood color in BGMI (Battlegrounds Mobile India)