Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) has become a hit, enthralling millions of gamers with its thrilling battle royale gameplay. As you immerse yourself in this realistic experience, you will encounter a difficult facet of the game: third-party attacks. Rival squads' surprise assaults might catch you off guard and jeopardize your prospects of success.
This article examines useful techniques and tips for dealing with ambushes, allowing you to confidently navigate BGMI's battlegrounds and secure your road to victory.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.
Strategies to counter third-party squad attacks in BGMI
Positioning and awareness
It is critical to maintain proper placement and situational awareness to prevent being a victim of third-party attacks in BGMI. Assess your surroundings and check for potential hazards before engaging in combat. To avoid being caught off guard by another squad, fight in regions with strong cover and escape routes.
It is critical to have clear and effective communication within your squad to respond swiftly and efficiently to unexpected attacks. To communicate information regarding enemy positions and potential threats, use voice chat or brief in-game texts. This will assist your squad in remaining on the same page and responding effectively during heavy firefights.
Minimize noise
Try to make as little noise as possible while plundering or traveling between areas. Loud running and looting can draw the attention of adjacent squads, making your team a prime target for third-party attacks. Crouch-walking and adopting the "low-profile" mode while looting can help you avoid detection in BGMI.
Adopt a buddy system among your squad to ensure you are always near at least one teammate. In this manner, you can offer immediate assistance to one another during fights and have a better chance of repelling third-party attacks.
Use the terrain to your advantage
During the battle, take advantage of natural shelter and terrain characteristics. Use hills, rocks, and buildings to break the line of sight with other squads and reduce the possibility of being seen by prospective attackers.
Listen for gunfire
Keep an ear out for the sound of gunfire in the distance. Other squads may be drawn to gunfights to take advantage of weakened or distracted teams. If you hear gunshots nearby, remain wary and prepared to defend yourself against potential third-party assailants in BGMI.
Avoid prolonged engagements
While it is critical to fight intelligently and not rush into battles, extended encounters might expose your squad to third-party attacks. If an argument appears to be running on, try momentarily disengaging to review the situation and avoid drawing extra attention.
Plan your movements
Before relocating, consult with your squad about where you intend to go and how to get there. Running in open places without cover can make you an easy target for opposing teams in BGMI.