Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) is updated regularly, keeping the game new and exciting for players. After the previous 1.9 release, it is now time for the arrival of the 2.0 iteration of the game.
With the version all set to be released, fans are excited as they will finally be able to experience new content like the football mini-game, emergency pickup, and more. A new Royale Pass will also be making its way in a few days.
Once it is made available later today, all users will have the ability to download the BGMI 2.0 update. Accordingly, by accessing the game's official website, they will be able to get information about how they may update to the newest edition.
Step-by-step guide to downloading BGMI 2.0 update from the official website in May 2022
The BGMI 2.0 update can be downloaded onto players’ devices by following the simple steps outlined below:
Step 1: Users should first open any web browser and search for Battleground Mobile India’s website.
Step 2: They will then be able to find two different download options on their screen: IOS Download (Apple App Store) and AOS Download (Google Play Store).
Depending on their platform, players can choose between either of them.
Step 3: Gamers will subsequently be redirected to the respective store page of BGMI, where they can press the Download/Update option.
PUBG Mobile 2.0 update size was 785 MB on Android and 1.93 GB on iOS. It is expected that the one for BGMI will also be around similar ranges. Consequently, players must ensure they have sufficient storage space available on their devices.
Note: The update hasn’t been currently made available, and users will only be able to get it once the distribution starts.
Timings for the update to be made available
These are the specifics regarding the timing of the update on the two distinct platforms:
Android / Google Play Store: Between 12:30 PM and 21:30 PM
iOS / Apple App Store: At 4:00 PM
However, the developers have stated that these are the estimated timings and that there may be changes in the official release schedule for all devices as the new version will be issued gradually for everyone.