Battlegrounds Mobile India's Early Access made it to the Google Play Store on June 17th, bringing in a wave of delight among Indian fans. However, the game is still in its beta testing stage, and many bugs and glitches can appear.
The beta program aims to solve those recurrent bugs and deliver a more polished variant in the official launch. As proof, Early Access users of Battlegrounds Mobile India had an issue regarding the "map downloading" error in the past few days.
It is a minor issue that they can fix by following a few simple steps.
Step-by-step guide to fix and repair bugs and glitches in Battlegrounds Mobile India
For the past few days in Battlegrounds Mobile India, players have faced an issue where they are unable to download any maps or resource packs. After clicking on the map download option, players saw a "Waiting" or "Nan" message.
However, players can fix these types of bugs simply by repairing the game. These are the steps that they need to follow:
Step 1: They need to go to the Settings option and click on the "Basic" tab.
Step 2: Users must scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "Logout" option. Then, they can select the "Logout of all devices" option.
Step 3: After the login page for Battlegrounds Mobile India appears, they may click on the "Repair" option present at the right-hand side corner.
Step 4: They should only select the "Routine Repair" option and click "OK."
Step 5: The repair will take a few seconds. Then, gamers need to restart the game and log in again with their IDs. After that, the bug should get fixed.
List of repair functions in Battlegrounds Mobile India
- Routine repair: Choosing this option will delete all the recently updated files from the game. Players have to download the updates again after restarting.
- Restore default settings: They can use this repair when changes or customized settings don't take effect.
- Delete maps: Users can select this option if they face trouble entering maps or need to free up storage space on their device.
- Initialization: All the maps and updates will automatically get downloaded after deletion.
- Repair resources: Enabling this option will delete downloaded resources. Gamers will have to download the resources again after repair.
Also read: How to play Battlegrounds Mobile India on PC using BlueStacks emulator