Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) has a huge fanbase among mobile gamers in the country. Since its release in mid-2021, the exclusive Indian version of Krafton's famous Battle Royale title PUBG Mobile has gained immense popularity, attracting many gamers to play the game.
However, to make the game more interesting for players and to recognize the past performances of players, BGMI has a unique achievement points system in the game. Gamers can earn these achievement points by completing certain missions in the game.
Here is a quick guide for players so that they can easily collect these achievement points in the game.
Step-by-step guide to get achievement points in BGMI
Achievement points reflects the hard work a player puts into the game every day. It also describes how good a player is at playing the game. However, players need to follow the steps below to collect achievement points in the game.
Step 1: Players need to open the game first and log into their BGMI account.
Step 2: Tap on your profile from the main screen and a new window will open. Select on the "Achievements" tab and open another new window.
Step 3: Players will get to see several number of missions that will offer acievement points upon completion. Learn about the missions and select which will be easier to complete.
Step 4: Play a match and try to perform those missions in the game.
Step 5: Once a player completes any task, they will be rewarded with achievement points. Gamers can collect these by opening the Achievement window once again.
Players can use these achievement points to avail several gifts and rewards, such as outfits, Premium Crate Coupons, etc., in the game. Gamers are advised to complete the easier missions first before going for the tougher ones.