Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) was released in July as the Indian version of PUBG Mobile. Ever since its release, players have flocked to the game, adding further value to the PUBG brand, so much so that Krafton has decided to offer various rewards to players who have helped it grow to staggering heights.
Free skins are rare to get in the game, especially when the skin is permanent. However, along with certain updates and events, players are able to get their hands on permanent skins for vehicles and weapons that certainly add value to their inventories within the game.
Everything about the new permanent Scar-L skin in BGMI
With BGIS 2021 ongoing and the holiday season approaching, the game has attracted a lot of players. Because of this, Krafton has provided players with a few permanent skins they can get for free by completing the prescribed missions.
Here's a guide to obtaining the two permanent Scar-L skins that are currently available in BGMI:
1) Alien Technology Scar-L
The Alien Technology permanent Scar-L skin can be found in the 'Sassy Skills' event. BGMI players need to head over to the events section and then to the 'Recommended' tab where the 'Sassy Skills' event can be found.
Although BGMI has officially posted about the skin on Instagram recently, the event has been live since December 6 and will continue until January 5. Players can obtain the Alien Technology Scar-L skin for free, just by winning 10 classic mode matches.
2) Malachite Scar-L
BGMI players can obtain the free Malachite Scar-L skin permanently by completing some simple missions mentioned in the Recall event, which is ongoing from November 19 and will run until January 18.
Players can get the permanent Scar-L skin by exchanging 150 recall tokens for it. Recall tokens can be earned by playing classic mode matches with recalled players and by increasing synergy with them. Recall tokens can also be obtained when recalled players sign in for a few consecutive days.
Along with the Scar-L skin, BGMI players are also entitled to get a permanent outfit, a backpack, Classic and Premium crate scraps, paint, and headgear.