Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)'s fierce battle royale action continues to engage gamers. As of August 2023, the game has grown, as have player strategies. One persistent gameplay approach is "camping," in which players carefully position themselves to catch opponents off guard. Gamers seek various methods to spot these campers, who are especially known for hindering the aggressive gameplay of a player in a match.
With that being said, this article will go over three major methods to identify campers and kill them in BGMI.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.
Tips to spot campers in BGMI
Static movement patterns
Camping is frequently defined by players using static movement patterns and minimizing overall movement in BGMI. Campers frequently spend extended amounts of time in one spot or a confined area, waiting for unsuspecting adversaries to come into their line of sight. While this tactic can be beneficial, it also offers tiny signals for observant players to pick up on.
Most campers avoid moving across the map or engaging in aggressive maneuvers. They may only travel in a short circle, keeping near a specific building, observation point, or hiding area.
Observing players who rarely leave a given region could indicate camping behavior. Sound is also very important in BGMI. Campers frequently prioritize keeping a low profile, which includes avoiding loud noises that expose their location.
Listen for sounds that indicate the presence of a camper nearby, such as footsteps.
Observational awareness
To increase their chances of success in BGMI, effective campers prioritize alertness and observation. This increased vigilance, however, can be their undoing, as it can disclose their intents to intelligent opponents. Campers are always watching the movements of neighboring players, looking for the best moment to strike.
A camper is someone who observes a given area without frequently engaging in battle. They position themselves to have a clear view of high-traffic areas, such as chokepoints, popular buildings, or supply drop spots.
If you witness a player standing in an unusual position for no apparent purpose, they may be camping. When a camper finds an adversary, they're more likely to be patient, waiting for the perfect shot rather than engaging immediately.
If you notice a player concentrating on a certain location for an extended period, this could be a symptom of camping.
Minimal map mobility
Campers frequently prefer to remain concealed rather than actively participate in dynamic map movements and engagements in BGMI. This can set them apart from others who prefer to play more aggressively. Campers are players who constantly skip popular fighting zones in favor of remaining in outlying locations.
They may purposefully avoid locations with high player density to reduce the likelihood of encountering opponents.
Due to their cautious attitude, campers tend to last longer in a match. As the game advances and the area decreases, watch out for players who appear out of nowhere. They were likely camping until the end.