Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) is an India-exclusive title released after the ban on its global variant, PUBG Mobile. The Indian government banned the latter in 2020 due to several complaints and its harmful influence to India's sovereignty and public order, as stated by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY). Subsequently, BGMI was released for Android as well as iOS devices in 2021.
Battlegrounds Mobile India has engaged millions of gamers in India with its thrilling TPP-FPP survival shooter gameplay. It tasks them with facing over 100 players on an abundant island and emerging as the champion by conquering the battleground.
However, since many innovative titles are being released, you may be wondering if BGMI is still relevant and worth your time in 2024, and this article will answer the same.
Should you play BGMI in 2024?
BGMI is a battle royale game developed and published by Krafton, and it caters to a wide variety of audiences thanks to its free-to-play feature. An Indian version of PUBG Mobile, it quickly garnered millions of players upon its release in 2021.
One thing that makes this game worth playing in 2024 is the developer's constant effort to provide new in-game modes and other content to keep things fresh. Moreover, because of its high-quality graphics and gameplay, its battle royale gaming experience is astonishingly realistic and doesn't fail to leave players thrilled.
The title even lets them socialize with others around the globe and team up with friends to create a squad, making for an excellent interactive space. Also, it has a highly competitive environment that adds to the pleasure of surpassing foes on the battlefield.
However, players often face hackers who use unfair means, such as aimbots, unlimited bullets, walls-penetrating bullets, zero recoil, etc., to achieve victory. This creates a distasteful gaming experience for others. Moreover, many face an inordinate number of bots on the battleground, resulting in distasteful and monotonous gameplay.
That said, one can't disagree that Battlegrounds Mobile India has uplifted the Indian esports scene. It has even encouraged many gamers in the nation to establish a career in the Indian gaming industry.
For instance, back in October 2023, developer Krafton conducted an India-Korea invitational event aimed at uplifting the Indian esports scene. It was attended by various dignitaries, including Indian politicians and many others from the nation's sports industry.
Such events underscore BGMI's popularity by creating new opportunities and helping the nation's budding gamers. Furthermore, they raise awareness of esports in the nation, which can result in more growth for Battlegrounds Mobile India and its players in the future.
Follow Sportskeeda to learn about how to get free UCs in Battlegrounds Mobile India.