As a Battle Royale game, Battlegrounds Mobile India has provided the perfect platform for young players to bloom in the Esports scenario and make a name for themselves. Inasmuch, Harmandeep "Mavi" Singh has become a superstar in the Indian gaming community. His determination towards getting better at the game has made him amongst the best IGLs of the game.
Mavi is referred to as the “Man with the golden hand” due to his brilliant grenade throwing skills. His gun skills and tactful leadership posit him as an indispensable player in an Esports lineup. He also owns a YouTube channel, which has connected him to a larger audience from the gaming community.
Everything about professional BGMI player and streamer Mavi
Seasonal stats act as a clear reflection of a player's performance in a particular season. Mavi mostly stays preoccupied with Esports scrims and tournaments. However, in the ongoing Cycle 1 Season 3 of Battlegrounds Mobile India, Mavi is placed on the Diamond II tier with 3511 points.
Mavi has played 27 matches in the current season and has won two, helping his squad reach Top 10 in 14 matches. He has accumulated 208 finishes with an F/D Ratio of 7.70.
Mavi has average damage of 1005.6. His headshot percentage of 18.3 highlights his insane aim tracing power. Moreover, he has 15 most finishes in a single match, with the highest damage of 2058.
Mavi's unique identity in BGMI is 537921262. His in-game name (IGN) is TXxMavii, where TX stands for Team X Spark.
Apart from being a part of S8UL and a player for Team X Spark, Mavi is also a YouTuber, where he streams BGMI and GTA V. Mavi's YouTube channel has 1.2 million subscribers. According to Social Blade, he earns between $805 - $12.9K per month from YouTube.