After the Battlegrounds Mobile India release, several content creators and streamers have begun churning out BGMI videos. Mithilesh “Mythpat” Patankar is among the most famous YouTubers and is known for his hilarious and exciting videos.
He plays several titles, including GTA 5 and Minecraft. After the release of Battlegrounds Mobile India, he has transferred his ID to this specific Indian version.
Mythpat’s BGMI ID and stats
His Battlegrounds Mobile India ID is 542715194. Mythpat’s BGMI stats as of June 25th, 2021, are:
BGMI stats
Mythpat has featured in five squad games in the current season and has bettered his foes in a single one, approximating a win percentage of 20%. He also has three top 10 finishes, resulting in a top 10 ratio of 60%.
In these matches, he has eliminated six foes and retained a K/D ratio of 1.20. One of these kills has been registered as a headshot, bringing the headshot percentage to 16.70%. In addition, the streamer has maintained an average damage per match of close to 100, with an accuracy of 14.8%.
The YouTuber is yet to feature in solo or duo matches in Season 19.
Tier overview
Mythpat is currently in the Silver 3 in the squad games. Coming to solo and duo matches, he is placed in Silver 5 and Bronze 4, respectively.
Note: The player’s stats used in this article have been recorded at the time of writing. They are subject to change as the content creator plays more games in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI).
His YouTube channel
Mythpat started his journey on the Google-owned platform in July 2018. He currently boasts more than 1.6 billion views with close to 240 videos. He also boasts more than 8.5 million subscribers.
Out of the total, 300k subscribers and 87 million views have been accumulated in the last 30 days.
Here is the link for Mythpat’s YouTube channel.
Mythpat’s social media handles
Here are the links to Mythpat’s official social media handles
Facebook: Click here
Instagram: Click here
Twitter: Click here
Here is the link to his Discord server, which has more than 500k members.