On April 6, 2023, Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) star Aaditya "Dynamo" Sawant held a livestream on YouTube while playing the BR title. During the broadcast, he discussed the possibility of the game making its comeback in the Indian market.
Dynamo stated that there had been a lot of hype surrounding the return of Battlegrounds Mobile India lately, which hints that the game may be coming soon. The streamer also dismissed the possibility of COD Warzone Mobile overtaking BGMI in esports. He explained how players are accustomed to the mechanisms of Krafton's title and that it will take a phenomenal game to surpass it.
Dynamo said (translated from Hindi):
"I don't think so. A lot of new games are coming, including BGMI. There is a lot of hype in the market. I genuinely feel it will take a great game to overtake BGMI in the esports scene. It's because people are so accustomed to the title, its mechanism, its gameplay."
Dynamo is a cult figure in the Indian gaming community. Hence, his recent statements have created considerable buzz among esports enthusiasts and lovers of Battlegrounds Mobile India.
Dynamo reveals how Danger is no longer interested in BGMI esports
In the same livestream, Dynamo spoke about Danger, who, according to him, was the first person from Hydra to show complete disinterest in Battlegrounds Mobile India esports. According to the streamer, no one has any clue why Danger decided to step away when he had so many connections in the community.
Dynamo then narrated how he asked the organization's esports team to speak to Danger, as he could help them find a great IGL. However, he was surprised to learn that Danger had moved away from esports.
Dynamo said (translated from Hindi):
"Danger was the first person to step out of esports. He showed complete disinterest and I have no idea why he did so. Last time when our team needed an IGL, I told them to have a conversation with Danger because he knows everyone in the community and could suggest a name to them. Later on, I came to know that Danger had given up on esports."
The BGMI star also clarified how Hydra Esports currently have no co-leader.
Despite Dynamo staying optimistic about the return of Battlegrounds Mobile India, the game remains suspended in India as of today (April 8, 2023). It remains to be seen when the game's developers, Krafton, and the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) can resolve their issues and relaunch the title in the country.