The Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) 1.5 update has been eagerly anticipated for some time now. Several days ago, the global variant of the game received version 1.5 and had a tremendous number of improvements made to it.
A video preview of BGMI patch notes has been posted on the official YouTube channel, and it includes a list of features, including game mode and more.
Patch notes for Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) 1.5 update
MG3 and alterations to M249
BGMI's 1.5 update will bring a new LMG, M63. Due to its unique firing mode, this weapon can fire 660 or 990 rounds per minute. It uses 7.62mm ammunition and can be found in airdrops.
This will result in the M249 no longer appearing in airdrops but rather in loot.
Next ranked season
The ranking season of Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) will be receiving significant changes, and they will be divided into cycles. With the 1.5 update, the Ace tier will also further be divided into specific tiers.
Cycle 1 would consist of three seasons, and their abbreviations would be C1S1, C1S2, and C1S3. Similarly, it would be C2S1, C2S2, C2S3 for Cycle 2.
The opening is scheduled for July 14th at 7:30 a.m. IST.
Also read: Top 3 ways to get free UC in Battlegrounds Mobile India 1.4 version
New Game mode - Ignition Mode
The new game mode is called "Ignition Mode," and multiple key locations of the Erangle have been revolutionized. The specifics are:
- Pochinki - Transit Center
- Georgopol - Port of Georgopol
- School - Tech Center
- Military Base - Security Center
- Yasnaya Polyana - Logistics Agency
- Mylta Power - Energy Center
Features like Semi Trucks, ASM Abakan, Anti-gravity Motorcycle, Air Conveyors and more will be present in the game mode
Throwable healing items and sensitivity customization
Throwable healing items are another addition. This would allow them to pass on such things to their teammates.
A new option will be added to the sensitivity settings of Battlegrounds Mobile India. This will enable players to set customized sensitivity settings for each weapon.
Royale Pass changes
Two separate Royale Passes will be available between each version of the game. They will run for a month, and the pass will now be referred to as M1, M2, and so on.
The developers have released the start date and time of the M1 RP in an official announcement on the game's official website. It will begin at exactly 7:30 a.m. IST on July 14th, the same as the Ranking season.
Glass windows
There are some glass windows added to the buildings in Erangel and Miramar. They can be broken by melee attacks, gunfire, or climbing through windows.
Once broken, they will make noise and cannot be repaired later. There will also be some other changes coming to Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), and full patch notes are expected to be announced soon.