Battlegrounds Mobile India, the popular battle royale title recently introduced by Krafton, has been growing at a brisk pace ever since its launch. The game, specifically made to cater to the Indian market, has already broken many records in terms of downloads.
The esports aspect of the title also looks bright, with Krafton announcing a ₹1 crore prize pool open tournament for Indian players, called the Battlegrounds Mobile India Series 2021 (BGIS). Registrations for the same are currently ongoing.
Along with this, Krafton has also promised other India-exclusive leagues and tournaments.
In the latest news, the South Korean organization has added a new feature to Battlegrounds Mobile India's esports website, allowing third-party tournament organizers to register their events. These parties interested in organizing T1, T2, and T3 tournaments, will have to register their events on the website.
How to register a tournament on the Battlegrounds Mobile India esports website
Step 1: These organizers need to first head to this link.
Step 2: They need to fill up the host details, including basic information such as host name, address, contact number, and host intro.
Step 3: Further, the organizers will need to enter tournament details which include the tournament name, start and end date, format, prize pool, level of teams (T1, T2, and T3), social media links, and the correct broadcast website.
Step 4: Finally, the organizers will also need to fill in the sponsor details, including the sponsor's name, link, and a brief introduction as to what the sponsor does.
Step 5: Organizers will then need to read the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and tick the check box after agreeing.
This feature will help officials identify suitable tournaments and streamline them. It will also provide a sense of legitimacy to registered events and their organizers and help players stay away from fraud/fake tournament organizers.
It will be intriguing to witness how this feature pans out and how the third-party tournament organizers use it. With multiple third-party events happening in the country, the response for this is expected to be great.