Registrations for the ₹1 crore prize pool Battlegrounds Mobile India Series 2021 have commenced. BGMI uploaded a video featuring 8bit Thug, Ocean Sharma, and The Experiment churning out all the details, which are listed below.
Additional requirements
1. All players should be at least 16 years old before the deadline for registration, which is on August 1st. Those who are 16 years old or older but under the age of 18 must obtain the consent of their guardians using the parental consent form in Appendix 2 of the rulebook.
2. The minimum and the maximum number of players per team must be precisely four during the tournament.
3. Participation in events is possible through mobile phones only.
4. Gamers are only allowed to compete for the team with which they have registered. Participating with more than one side at any given time will result in disqualifications.
Battlegrounds Mobile India Series registration
Step 1: Players can fill up details like team name, team owner name, valid mobile number, email, city, etc.
If the team captain is the owner, they must tick on the box and click next.
Step 2: Now, users should fill in all the captain's details such as name, age, gender, email, character id, in-game name, valid ID proof, valid mobile number, city, and state.
Step 3: They need to fill in details (same as above) of the remaining teammates.
Upon successful registration, gamers will receive a confirmation email. If they wish to change any information before the registration period ends, a unique link will be sent in their confirmation email.
Scoring system for the Battlegrounds Mobile India Series 2021
1st Position - 15 points
2nd Position - 12 points
3rd Position - 10 points
4th Position - 8 points
5th Position - 6 points
6th Position - 4 points
7th Position - 2 points
8th Position - 1 point
9th Position - 1 point
10th Position - 1 point
11th Position - 1 point
12th Position - 1 point
13th Position - 0 point
14th Position - 0 point
15th Position - 0 point
16th Position - 0 point
Every finish - 1 point
The Battlegrounds Mobile India Series 2021 is an open for all tournament, and the last date for registration is August 1st. Those who are eligible for the event are encouraged to register now.