Battlegrounds Mobile India, or BGMI, has already announced the biggest major tournament for the exclusive Indian version of the game following its return after the infamous PUBG ban. The Battleground Mobile India Series 2021 (BGIS) has a total prize pool of a whopping Rs. 1,00,00,000. Of course, many top-tier teams have signed up to bag first place in the first major BGMI tournament.
Among the likes of OR, mYm, GodL, and other top teams, Revenant Esports is also a fan favorite that has claims for the BGIS title. RNT recently acquired a brand new roster consisting of players who have had an impact in top-level PUBG Mobile tournaments and are now ready to dominate in BGMI.
With Revenant Esports BGMI being the favorites for many going into BGIS 2021, Sportskeeda Esports' Shwetang Parthsarthy sat down with RNT's IGL Parichay ‘Paradox’ Bansal for an interview to get an insight into their preparations and their journey so far.
Revenant Esports BGMI roster IGL Parichay ‘Paradox’ Bansal has the utmost faith in his team
Revenant Esports has already cleared Stage 3 of the COD: Mobile World Championship, and it is now looking to dominate the biggest BGMI tournament coming up.
Under Paradox's leadership, Revenant Esports aims to win the Battlegrounds Mobile India Series 2021 (BGIS) title and put RNT's newly-formed BGMI lineup on the map.
Here is an excerpt of the interview:
Q1. Hi Paradox. Revenant Esports is one of the many lineups that started afresh following the release of Battlegrounds Mobile India or BGMI. Your lineup is completely new, and this is the first time some of you are playing together. Could you please introduce your lineup and the roles each member plays?
Paradox: Hello, I am Parichay ‘Paradox’ Bansal and I am the IGL. Revenant's BGMI lineup includes Rishabh ‘Encore’ Katoch, Sujoy ‘AustinX’ Das, and Ankit ‘TopDawg’ Mehra. Encore is the filter and support assaulter. Topdawg and AustinX are both frontline assaulters.
Q2. Forming a team from scratch is always a difficult task. All of you have played in PUBG competitions at the highest level against each other. How hard was it to leave that competitive spirit aside and work together as a team to take RNT to the highest stages in BGMI?
Paradox: We got a big break during the ban period to work on a lot of stuff. To be honest, it didn't take much time to build synergy with the 2 new players (Topdawg & Austin). We're pretty confident about doing well in the BGMI competitive scene and kill it embracing the name Revenant.
Q3. The break between PUBG getting banned and BGMI releasing was a long one. What did you and the other team members do in this time off, and how did you maintain the spirit to compete at the highest levels of BGMI as soon as the game came out, even after such a long break?
Paradox: So, during the ban period, we got a reality check that we need to work on other things as well, along with being competitive. Most of us focused on creating content and got ourselves new streaming setups as well. It was basically an escape from the negativity during the ban.
Q4. With Revenant Esports providing everything you can ask for to maximize your competitive performance, what are the upcoming goals for your team? The Battlegrounds Mobile India Series with a total prize pool of ₹1,00,00,000 is right ahead, how confident is the team about winning BGIS?
Paradox: For now, our goal will be to focus on winning BGIS. We're pretty confident about taking the top spot in BGIS as we have been grinding for a long time, and we have what it takes to win it.
Q5. Teams like TSM, 7Seas, and Force1 x Leg Stump have also announced revamped star-studded rosters to start their BGMI journeys with a bang. Do you feel that these teams and the other top teams such as IND, OR, or mYm have an equally strong chance of winning BGIS, and it would be tough competing with these teams around?
Paradox: I think all the teams mentioned have great rosters, but I am pretty confident on my own roster. The BGIS title is coming to RNT, and there's no stopping it.
Q6. How do you think India getting an exclusive version of BGMI changes the esports scene around this game? Would this make the competition easier, eliminating other major teams from the region?
Paradox: To be honest, I think BGMI will help evolve the esports scene around the game. BGMI will help more organizations to get into the scene and make everything much more stable. The competition will always be harder as more players are getting into the scene every day, and the hunger to win increases constantly.
Q7. Before we conclude, how would you like to describe your partnership with Revenant Esports? Why did you and your teammates choose to go ahead with RNT when BGMI arrived in India, and what ambitions do you think you can fulfill by donning the purple jersey?
Paradox: I think Revenant is a great org that understands esports. They aim to provide everything they can to maximize our competitive performance, which is what every player needs. We chose RNT because we know they're here to stay, and I am sure we'll get a lot of trophies donning the purple jersey.