Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) has gained a massive player base in India within a few months of its release and is considered one of the best battle royale titles available. The game's updates are usually accompanied by excitement in the entire community as they incorporate a series of changes and bring in new features.
The BGMI 1.6 update is almost here, and players await its release with great enthusiasm.
One key inclusion is the new Flora Menace game mode. Additionally, the game's developers have also revealed a set of other features that they will incorporate in the update.
New features of Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) 1.6 update
In a recent social media post, the developer provided a glimpse of the top features that will be available in the BGMI 1.6 update.
Flora Menace mode
The new game mode is a major attraction of the BGMI 1.6 update, and it will be available on the Erangel, Livik, and Sanhok maps. It would include unique aspects like:
Life Barrier: This will provide players with a boost to their health, which can turn out to be crucial on the battlefield.
Zillion Matrix: In the Zillion Matrix, users will engage in battles with random weapon drops and respawns. They will gain Nacore chips by eliminating opponents.
Dynahex Supply: Gamers can exchange the collected Nacore chips to call for these supplies.
Capture highlights
Players can use this new Highlights option to showcase their outstanding gameplay moments. They can enable this feature in the game's settings.
On top of this, users can also view their career results and share them in chats and on external platforms.
Show route option
The addition of this feature will be pretty helpful in the battle royale mode as it will display the plane's route throughout the game. Apart from this, several other changes are also going to be present in BGMI, which include:
- Faster Scope Adjustment
- Basic Settings Updated
- Unlimited Ammo in Training Grounds
- New Arena Battle Guns
- Improved UAZ and Bus durability
Within a few days of the update, a new Royale Pass (RP) will be released, providing players with an excellent opportunity to earn various rewards.