In a recent development, Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) was pulled from the Google Play Store. With no known explanation for the removal, the game’s fans have been left scouring the internet for answers.
Since the launch of BGMI, the game has indeed been able to achieve new levels of success and appeal. The mobile gaming title recently celebrated its first anniversary, reaching a significant new milestone of 100 million registered users.
BGMI removed from the Google Play Store
In an unexpected turn of events, Battlegrounds Mobile India has been removed from the Google Play Store. The query for the game returns no relevant results at the given moment.
On the other hand, if users attempt to access the game’s page on the Google Play Store using the link, they will see the following message: “We are sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server.”
This has sparked a commotion in the game’s growing community. Krafton will likely clarify the problem in the coming hours, and fans should expect an official statement from the developers very soon.
The only positive thing for players is that the game is still accessible on the Apple App Store. At the same time, BGMI is still accessible and operational on Android devices. Thus, they cannot download the battle royale title for the time being but can still play it.
Regardless, Krafton recently started hosting the official APK file on BGMI’s website, giving gamers a legitimate outlet to download the game on their devices.
While fans are facing this problem for the first time, this situation was earlier faced by the Indian mobile gaming community in the case of Free Fire, which was unexpectedly removed from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store earlier this year.
Fans react to BGMI's removal from Google Play Store
After the removal of the title from the Google Play Store, a number of worried fans expressed the following sentiments:
They are in a state of shock and are hoping that this does not wind up like the first suspension, which occurred in September 2020. The removal of the game would leave a massive void in the Indian mobile gaming community.
Additionally, until the developers have not officially confirmed the reason for the removal, players are advised not to put any faith in the rumors circulating on the internet.