Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), the Indian version of PUBG Mobile, has been making and breaking records ever since its release. The title has garnered a lot of praise and support from Indian fans, and although the cheating menace did rock the game for a few months, things seem to be on track now.
BGMI awarded Google Play’s Best Game of 2021
In a recent accolade, Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) has been awarded the title of the "Best Game" Google Play Game Awards 2021 for the Indian region.
Commenting on this occasion, the regional head of Corporate Development for BGMI's parent company Krafton, Anuj Tandon, in a tweet, congratulated the entire publishing team of Krafton.
BGMI was launched on July 2, 2021, and became an instant hit. Given the huge user base PUBG Mobile had in India before the ban, the game racked up tons of downloads in a short time.
A recent report revealed that BGMI generated total revenue of $7 Million in user spending in just five months of launch. Currently, the game stands at over 50 Million downloads on the Google Play Store, and according to a report, the title has nearly 16 Million daily active users.
The esports scene for the game also boomed post its launch, with the first official tournament dubbed the Launch Party garnering a peak viewership of 547k. Since then, officials have announced the BGIS 2021, a major open BGMI event.
The tournament was delayed due to the cheater menace, but now it's gearing up to start soon. During the 5 months since the launch of the game, third-party tournaments have also been actively watched by fans, showing a continued crowd interest in the title's esports.
BGMI was also nominated in the Google Play User's Choice Game Awards 2021 in India but didn't win the award. Free Fire MAX, another popular battle royale game by Garena, won the title among 8 other nominees.
In 2020 the "Best Game" in the Indian region was awarded to Legends of Runterra, while Cricket Championship 3 had won the Google Play User's Choice Game Awards.