Battlegrounds Mobile India's (BGMI) full version was released earlier this month, on July 2, 2021. Needless to say, it received an overwhelming welcome and has already crossed over 34 million downloads within a week, and has a high rating of 4.6/5 stars on the Play Store.
Battlegrounds Mobile India quickly rose to the top of the action game charts and shows no signs of slowing down. Currently, it is at #1 in the action category on the Play Store.
Earlier, too, the beta program, launched in mid-June, received the spotlight on social media. The game has had a staggering 40 million pre-registrations ever since it was teased.
Battlegrounds Mobile India Streamer's Tournament crossed 547k views
The Battle Royale craze in India and PUBG Mobile's fan base never faded, and it was proved by the overwhelming viewership of The Launch Party. The first tournament of the newly-released garnered over 547k views.
Krafton shared these digits in their latest blog, which can be viewed on their official website.
Apart from this, the Battlegrounds Mobile India developer has teased exclusive tournaments and leagues for Indian players. They aim to nurture the Indian gaming and esports scene through constant investment.
Further, the developer plans to divulge an esports roadmap for Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) on July 15, 2021.
BGMI has more than 16 million Daily Active Users
The developer's website shared another staggering fact. Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) has about 16 million daily active players.
Considering the number of downloads and PUBG craze in India, the huge active user base is not surprising.
Meanwhile, iOS users are still awaiting the release of Battlegrounds Mobile India on the platform. The game is speculated to be released this week around the time of the new season.