A few hours ago, Krafton India took to Battlegrounds Mobile India's (BGMI) social media handles as well as provided a press release announcing Bollywood superstar Ranveer Singh as the brand ambassador. The announcement video was a continuation of the teaser released yesterday. Ranveer can be seen playing the game on the movie sets as he says (translated from Hindi):
"I am coming to BGMI's world with my squad. Get ready to 'Play Pure'."
The announcement has already created a great buzz amongst youth, who are overjoyed to see their favorite star collaborating with their game.
Krafton India and Ranveer Singh are elated to partner together for the growth of BGMI
Krafton India's CEO Sean Hyunil Sohn excitedly expressed his enthusiasm for BGMI's partnership with Ranveer Singh. According to him, this a landmark moment and will encourage gamers across the country to follow their idol and responsibly play the BR title. Here's what he stated:
"We are elated to welcome superstar Ranveer Singh to the BGMI family. His magnetic persona and unrelenting spirit align seamlessly with the essence of the game. KRAFTON has always been committed to providing immersive and captivating experiences for our users."
He further stated:
"This collaboration opens up a new avenue to bring exciting and engaging content that will resonate with gaming enthusiasts across the nation. Stay tuned as we embark on a new era of gaming entertainment."
Meanwhile, Ranveer seemed ecstatic about collaborating with BGMI. According to him, it was "an extension of my creative expression."
He was also all praises for Battlegrounds Mobile India and its impact on people across the country. Here's what he said:
"BGMI has evolved into a cultural phenomenon by creating a platform that brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds, transcending borders through their shared passion for gaming. I am thrilled to be part of this journey and look forward to exciting interactions with the Indian gaming community."
With the announcement confirming Ranveer's addition to the title, BGMI players can expect Krafton to possibly add new collaboration events or items/cosmetics. However, the developer is yet to reveal any information regarding further events or additions related to the fresh collaboration.
This is the first time that the game has a brand ambassador. The news comes days after the title's rival, Free Fire India, announced Mahendra Singh Dhoni as its brand ambassador.