Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) has successfully completed its three-month trial period (under the close scrutiny of the Indian government) and is continuing its services. Millions of mobile gamers across the country regularly flock to enjoy their favorite BR title. To provide them the best gaming experience, it is rumored that Krafton is officially collaborating with popular Indian cricketer, Hardik Pandya, to introduce his voice packs in the game.
The leaks and rumors of Hardik's collaboration with Battlegrounds Mobile India has already created a great deal of buzz amongst fans and lovers of the BR title.
Latest leaks on internet suggest Hardik Pandya is collaborating with BGMI to have his own voice pack
A few hours ago, popular leaker Esportsnewsboy uploaded an Instagram post suggesting that a "big cricket star player" is collaborating with BGMI. He then posted another post on his Instagram handle highlighting an image of Hardik Pandya sitting on a voice recording desk. Through this post, Esportsnewsboy indicated that the star is collaborating with the game.
The leaker also went on to share an audio clip on his Instagram story in which Hardik Pandya's voice can be heard. In the clip, he is asking fans as whether they have obtained their chicken dinner as he has already collected his.
Several other popular leakers like Gamexnews and Controversial Gamez have also highlighted Esportsnewsboy's Instagram story and posts on their recent videos. This has further fueled the rumors of the inclusion of the superstar's voice pack in BGMI.
For those unaware, the voice packs of several renowned YouTubers and streamers like MortaL, Jonathan, Payal, Ghatak, Snax, Vaadhiyaar, Shreeman Legend, Thug, Dynamo, Mavi, and Kaztro are already available in the title. Many gamers have already spent UC and purchased the voice packs of their favorite streamers to use them while playing Classic, Custom, and Arena mode matches.
It remains to be seen if and when Hardik's voice packs are introduced in BGMI. Moreover, it is still unclear whether both the basic and special voice pack variants will be made available or not. Fans are recommended not to entirely rely on the available leaks and wait for Krafton's official announcement regarding the addition of Hardik Pandya's voice packs.