Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), developed and published by Krafton, has been one of the most popular battle royale games since its inception. The game's producers routinely release new content and upgrades to keep users engaged and thrilled. However, with the most recent M22 Royale Pass update, Krafton encountered an unanticipated technical malfunction that rendered the pass temporarily inaccessible.
In reaction to this issue, the corporation issued a notice to its loyal player base, promising them a speedy resolution and outlining compensation procedures.
This article digs into the intricacies of the M22 Royale Pass update and Krafton's subsequent notice, providing insights into the efforts made to correct the matter and keep players satisfied.
BGMI developers Krafton issued a notice regarding M22 Royale Pass' inaccessibility
The new royale pass update, which promised exciting new content, challenges, and rewards, was eagerly awaited by BGMI fans. However, in the existing royale pass, many gamers were taken aback by the pass's abrupt inaccessibility. Krafton quickly acknowledged the problem and issued an official statement, apologizing for the trouble caused to the players. Here is what they said:
"We wanted to take a moment and let you know that RPM22 will not be accessible after you update your game due to a minor technical issue. Please be informed that we are looking into this right now and we assure you that the same will be resolved at the earliest. While we work towards a fix, we request you to collect points and rewards as RPM 22 will end soon! Please have them collected by 2023.08.09. Additionally, we will also conduct an event to compensate everyone for the inconvenience caused."
Krafton apologized to BGMI fans for the inaccessibility of the M22 Royale Pass in this statement. The company assured participants that it was actively researching the underlying technical issue and working hard to remedy it as soon as possible.
Transparency was emphasized in the announcement since Krafton offered information about the nature of the malfunction and the difficulties encountered during the update deployment.
To mitigate the impact of the outage, the notice recommended gamers collect points and incentives from the M22 Royale Pass ahead of the deadline of August 9, 2023. This proactive effort attempted to ensure that, despite the brief issue, players did not miss out on the chances and incentives provided by the pass in BGMI.