With the arrival of Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) on iOS devices, professional players are now practicing harder for the upcoming major, dubbed the Battlegrounds Mobile India Series. Third-party organizers routinely organize events offering handsome prize pools, allowing players to gauge their performance and make necessary changes to their play style.
Popular Indian Esports organization OR Esports announced the second season of their OR Championship dubbed the OR Championship: Legends Rise. The tournament features a total of 16 teams who will fight for a prize pool of ₹2 lakhs.
Invited teams for BGMI OR Championship: Legends Rise 2021
1) Red Owl Gaming
2) Global Esports
3) OR Esports
4) Team Soul
5) ForceOne x LegStump Esports
6) Team XO
7) 8Bit
8) Revenant Esports
9) Coming Soon
10) Team TapaTap
12) Element Esports
13) Team IND
14) Enigma Gaming
15) Marcos Gaming
16) Skylightz Gaming
Format and Schedule of BGMI OR Championship: Legends Rise 2021
The tournament will go on for three days, starting from the 20 August and culminating on the 22 August. A total of 10 matches will be played. The first two days will feature three matches, while the third day will feature four. The matches will be played on Erangel, Sanhok, and Miramar.
Prize pool distribution
The tournament offers a prize pool of ₹2 lakhs which will be distributed as follows:
1) Winner: 1,25,000
2) Second Place: 50,000
3) Third Place: 25,000
Where and when to watch
The tournament will be live-streamed on the official YouTube channel of OR Esports from 20th August from 6:00 p.m.
In 2020, the first season of OR Championship: Legends Rise was won by Marcos Gaming. The defending champions are looking at tough competition from Team IND and Team TapaTap, both in great form. Revenant, TSM FTX, OR Esports, team XO, and Team SouL will also be the ones to watch during the BGMI event.