The withdrawal of Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) from the Google Play Store and iOS App Store came as a shock to fans who had celebrated the game's first anniversary a few days back. This unfortunate turn of events has given rise to a number of questions, especially around the battle royale title's ban in India.
Until this point, gamers had arguments for the removal, with many pointing to a bug or technical issue. Nonetheless, Google has issued an official statement regarding the problem, which clarifies the situation by a considerable margin.
Google confirms BGMI was removed from Play Store on government's order
Fans were in the dark about BGMI's removal from the two leading stores and were looking for answers. However, Google has confirmed that the title was removed from the Play Store on the government's orders.
A statement by Google's spokesperson to TechCrunch's Manish Singh read the following:
Fans are surprised by this revelation, as there is no official announcement from the Government of India, like was with PUBG Mobile's ban in 2020. It is therefore unclear why the government has issued this decision to stop the application.
This unfortunate development comes only a few days after Krafton had recently said that it had already invested $100 million in the country to expand beyond gaming.
Despite the title's removal from app stores, players haven't reported any problems or disruption of services in BGMI — except for transactions. They cannot purchase premium currency within the battle royale title, which can be directly attributed to its removal. They are facing an error message whenever they attempt to acquire UC.
BGMI's popularity in the country can be judged by the fact that it has already surpassed 100 million registered users. At the same time, developers had already announced the official esports roadmap for the entire year with crores of the total prize pool.
Thus, numerous content providers, prominent esports figures and influencers have also expressed concern over recent developments. The ban will likely be a significant setback to the thriving and expanding esports ecosystem BGMI built last year.
It is uncertain how future events will unfold. For the time being, all that players can do is wait for an official announcement from Krafton about this mishap.