Popular Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) player and streamer Tanmay "Scout" Singh recently conducted a livestream on his popular YouTube channel where he gave his opinion on the game's current situation and the possibility of it getting unbanned.
The title was removed from the Google Play Store and iOS App Store late July 28, and players are getting restless. Hence, Scout's comments have created a buzz in the gaming community, especially:
"As far I have heard from sources, BGMI's return before December seems dicey. But, hopefully, it will comeback by then."
BGMI pro Scout remarks on the possibility of the game's return
During the 220-minute-long livestream, Scout was seen playing The Forest. He even discussed various topics and during the fifth-minute mark, he commented on BGMI's return.
Replying to one of his fans who asked him about his opinion about BGMI's unban situation, Scout mentioned that he wished that he could have predicted the game's unban date. He further stated that if he went on to give a word or provide a possible date, it would create hype amongst players in the community and many would come to watch his live stream to check his comments.
However, he then pointed out that he didn't want to mislead his followers. According to news from various sources that he had heard, there were plans for Battlegrounds Mobile India's return in December. However, even that seems to be up in the air due to various reasons.
He then tried to instill hope in the hearts of the players and urged them to remain positive and hope that the game will make its comeback in the Indian market before December.
I wish I could have said that the game will be unbanned tomorrow or in the next month, and create a hype around it so that people will flock to streams to check what I have said. However, I won't be doing anything like that.
He also mentioned that it is important for Indian players to try out different games in the meantime, which will help with the growth of esports and gaming in the country.
Meanwhile, news of the title's return in December was first stated by Hrishav Bhattacharjee (CEO and founder of War Mania) in one of his Instagram stories.
Hrishav talked about how the 2.2 update's release as well as the RP purchases will be hindered. He even mentioned that the in-game servers would not change and the game might be released in December.