Krafton recently conducted the first official Battlegrounds Mobile India LAN event called BGMI Showdown. The contest took place from July 21 to July 24 in Delhi and had a total prize pool of ₹15 lakhs. The winners would also receive a PMWI 2022 slot. The tournament featured many thrilling battles between the top 24 teams due to its short format and structure.
With a mind-blowing performance in the one-day finals, 7SEA Esports lifted the trophy and qualified for the PMWI 2022 Afterparty Showdown. After an excellent performance in the last game, they defeated Orangutan and claimed first place.
BGMI Showdown reached a peak viewership of 314,404 on YouTube
According to a report by Esports Chart, BGMI Showdown generated more than 314K concurrent viewership on YouTube alone. However, the figures do not include the viewership of Loco, where many streamers hosted watch parties.
The event had the highest number of viewers (314,404) during the second match of the Grand Finals. BGMI Showdown has been watched for 2,535,658 hours, with an average viewership of 123,691. Hindi was the most popular language for the event.
The livestream peaked at the 300K mark during the first and second matches of the Grand Finals, which was held on July 24 from 4:40 pmIST.
The first match was played on Erangel, and Skylightz came out as the winner with 11 eliminations. The second match played on Vikendi was won by 7SEA Esports.
BGMI Showdown summary
Krafton invited a total of 24 teams based on their performances in the previous official event. These teams fought in the three-day-long qualifiers played from July 21 to 23.
The top 16 teams from the overall standings advanced to the Grand Finals. The finals featured a total of six matches spread across four maps.
Grand Finals prize pool distribution
- 7SEA - ₹5 lakhs
- Orangutan - ₹2.5 lakhs
- Enigma Gaming - ₹1 lakh
- Skylightz Gaming - ₹75,000
- Team XO - ₹50,000
- Hydra - ₹45,000
- Team Soul - ₹40,000
- Team Kinetic - ₹35,000
- OR Esports - ₹30,000
- Global Esports - ₹25,000
- INS - ₹20,000
- Hyderabad Hydras - ₹20,000
- Nigma Galaxy - ₹20,000
- GodLike - ₹20,000
- TSM - ₹20,000
- R Esports - ₹20,000
Special prizes
- MVP - SprayGod - ₹50,000
- Grenadier - Fierce - ₹50,000
- Longest Finish - Drigger - ₹50,000
- Most Finishes by Team - 7SEA - ₹50,000
Google and Apple have removed BGMI from their store following the Indian government's orders on July 28. Krafton and the government are yet to comment on the situation. The news shocked all fans as BGMI was the most popular game in the country.