ESL has announced the BGMI Snapdragon Pro Series tournament, the registration of which is now live for teams across India. Many well-known clubs will also be invited to the later phase of the Pro Series. A total prize pool of ₹1 crore will be distributed in this grand event. However, the company has not yet revealed the start date and schedule of the contest.
The competition is divided into three stages: Conquest Open, Challenge Season, and Challenge Finals. Registration is open for only 2048 teams that will take part in the first phase, i.e., Conquest Open. The top eight performers from this round will be chosen for the Challenge Season.
The second stage will last for 12 days where 24 teams will be invited directly to participate along with the top eight squads of the Conquest Open. These 32 clubs will compete with each other to register a spot in the Challenge Finals, which is planned for three days. This third and ultimate round will be played at LAN.
How to register for BGMI Snapdragon Pro Series
Here's the process that will help you to register for the BGMI Snapdragon Pro Series:
- Click on this given link and log in with your email ID.
- Fill in the requested information like email, name, team logo, IGN, team member details, and more.
- Attach your and your teammates' ID proof.
- Tap on the red submit banner.
Specific rules for registration:
- All players must be over 16 years of age to register for the Pro Series.
- Participants are not allowed to change their IN-GAME NAME without informing tournament administrators.
- Do not keep any IN-GAME NAME that is offensive to any other individual, religion, country, race, gender, etc.
- Players will have to play BGMI on the latest version of the game only.
ESL has not yet disclosed the names of the 24 invited clubs that will be directly introduced in the second stage of the competition. However, it is expected that renowned squads like Team GodLike, Soul, Gods Reign, Gladiators, and others will receive direct invitations to the BGMI Pro Series, as their players were featured in the announcement video of this event.
The BMPS 2023 is currently going on, where 96 teams are competing for an enormous prize of ₹1 crore. This is the official tournament hosted by Krafton and will conclude on December 17.
The BGMI Snapdragon Pro Series will give a great platform for the underdog teams to compete against some of the top tier teams. In the past six months, many inexperienced teams have gained a lot of popularity by delivering remarkable performances in big tournaments.