Krutika Ojha, a notable Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) streamer known to her followers as Krutika Plays, announced that her YouTube channel has been terminated. With over 249K subscribers and an aggregate view count of more than 16 million, she is a well-known personality in the community. Aside from the battle royale title, she frequently broadcasts a few PC games as well.
The popular BGMI streamer took to Instagram to inform her fans about the channel's termination via a series of stories.
Popular BGMI streamer Krutika requests YouTube to restore her channel, stating breach of policy was unintentional
Krutika Plays' channel was deleted on 21 October 2021 due to a breach of YouTube's policy against explicit content. She said the following in her Instagram story,
"I received an email today notifying me that my channel has been terminated due to a violation of YouTube's rules and regulations."
Further adding to the reason behind the suspension, she explained:
"So, I was live-streaming on my channel yesterday while reviewing memes on my Discord server when someone posted something obscene, which was broadcasted on my stream. I made the video private right away, but if I had that knowledge that I needed to delete it, I would have done so. Nothing transpired yesterday, but today I got an email notifying me that the channel has been deleted."
Finally, Krutika added,
"Whatever happens, I will let you know; maybe I will get it back or maybe not. "
The BGMI streamer has also tweeted, tagging YouTube and YouTube India, requesting help to recover her channel. She stated in the tweets that the video played on the stream was unintentional and that she had made the video private instantaneously.
Krutika has also played PUBG Mobile professionally before it was banned in India. She represented Team ARC, which managed to reach the quarter-finals of PMIS 2020, where she was the only female participant. She also recently joined 8Bit Creatives as a content creator.