Day 1 of the fun Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) event dubbed the Superboys vs Supergirls Face-Off came to an end today. The two-day event features a prize pool of Rs.3.5 lakhs with male and female BGMI professional players and content creators going head to head against each other.
The first day included two competitive matches and two fun matches including a sniper fight and a pan fight.
The event is being hosted by popular BGMI content creator and YouTuber Mortal while two other top YouTubers, Thug and K18, are the casters, making the event interesting for the viewers.
BGMI the ultimate face off day 1
In the competitive leg of the day, which included two matches, Team Kaashvi secured the top spot with 35 points and 22 eliminations. The second spot at the end of the day was claimed by Team Kanika who too played quite well, ending up with 33 points and eight finishes.
Team Jonathan also put forth a great showing and secured the third spot with 31 points and 14 finishes.
Match 1 of the day was played on Erangel in TPP perspective. Team Jonathan which included the GodLike Esports roster secured the victory in this match with 13 eliminations. The team pulled off a great 2v3 clutch in the final circle against Team Kaashvi, who playing with TSM also dominated the lobby, finishing second with 15 finishes.
The third place in the match went to Team Kanika who, playing with OREsports managed to secure two finishes.
The second match of the day was played on Sanhok in FPP perspective. Team Kanika, who earlier finished third in the first match, capitalized on the opportunity in this match and secured the chicken dinner with six finishes.
Team Mili, playing alongside Skylightz Gaming, also came back in this match to secure second place after an average showing in the first game. Team Dynamo secured third place in this match.
The fun section of the event which included a Pan Fight and the Sniper Fight was quite enjoyable for both the players and the fans watching. Kaashvi won the Pan Fight match and secured the cash prize of INR 25,000.
The Sniper Fight match was won by Snax, who held his nerve against Alpha and secured victory to claim the prize of INR 25,000 as well.