Even after more than eight months of being banned in India, BGMI (Battlegrounds Mobile India) is still relevant, as many are curious about its return. Occasionally, a streamer or influencer will share their opinions on the title's return, getting fans excited. On April 8, 2023, Skyesports' CEO and founder Shiva Nandy — who has been one of the most influential names in India's gaming community — posted an Instagram story. Here's what he said in it:
"I just had a chat with an important person who is not from the gaming industry, but from the [government], and they mentioned that BGMI will be back anytime in April or May 2023. I'm super excited."
As Nandy is a reputed individual in the esports industry, fans can expect his words to hold some value. It's worth noting that he has made posts expressing his views on Battlegrounds Mobile India's comeback multiple times. However, it also makes sense for players to wait for Krafton to make an official announcement.
Recent reports also hint at BGMI being temporary unbanned
In March 2023's second half, News18, a renowned media outlet, published an exclusive report suggesting that the Indian government was temporarily considering unbanning Battlegrounds Mobile India and making some key changes with regard to this title. For instance, BGMI can see the removal of blood/gore and a limitation on game time.
However, such unconfirmed information about the title's return and potential changes can inspire skepticism, as the Indian PUBG Mobile variant already had an in-game alternative to blood and a limit on hours of play. Because of this, it seems unlikely the developers would make the alterations suggested by News18's report.
That said, other sources also indicate that Krafton would have to make alterations in the game's servers in accordance with the guidelines, the disregard of which led to Battlegrounds Mobile India's ban in July 2022.
Readers should wait for the Government of India or Krafton to confirm any report related to the title before getting their hopes high. For the unversed, MeitY (Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology) blocked Battlegrounds Mobile India on July 28, 2022, due to data security reasons.
Interestingly, BGMI's servers are still online, even eight months after being removed from Google Play and Apple's App Store. However, the in-game version is still stuck at 2.1, unlike PUBG Mobile, which runs on 2.5 as of March 2023.