BGMI (Battlegrounds Mobile India) recently released an unusual image on its social media handles - the famed Dragon Radar from the Dragon Ball franchise - in a statement that has sent shockwaves of excitement across the gaming and anime communities. This cleverly selected image serves as a clever confirmation of the planned collaboration, leaving fans of both Battlegrounds Mobile India and Dragon Ball Super keen for what promises to be an incredible tie-up.
BGMI shared an image that confirms its collaboration with Dragon Ball Super
The usage of the Dragon Radar image — an iconic tool that characters in the Dragon Ball series use to detect the mysterious Dragon Balls — is a stroke of genius. Its appearance on BGMI's social media platforms conveys the crossover message well without actually mentioning it. This beautiful teaser demonstrates BGMI's attention to detail and appeals to fans' curiosity about what the cooperation would entail.
While the partnership has been confirmed, the lack of a release date only adds to the excitement. The choice by developer Krafton to keep the release date under wraps is no doubt a purposeful move that creates a sense of mystery and speculation.
The collaboration between Battlegrounds Mobile India and Dragon Ball Super is set to be a watershed moment in the history of mobile gaming. Both entities are extremely popular in their respective fields, making this collaboration a dream come true for many admirers. The immersive gaming experience of BGMI and the action-packed universe of Dragon Ball Super is a match made in heaven.
With its riveting storyline and fascinating characters, Dragon Ball Super has won the hearts of fans worldwide. Soon, anime fans can navigate the virtual battlegrounds with a Dragon Ball twist.