The 2024 iteration of the Battlegrounds Mobile India Pro Series (BMPS) will commence on August 20 with 128 invited teams. This renowned BGMI event is organized every year by the game's publisher, Krafton. Its first season was held in 2022, followed by the second in 2023. A humongous prize pool of ₹2 crore is up for grabs in this upcoming event.
On August 14, Kraton announced the format and structure of BMPS 2024 but not the names of the 128 invited teams yet. Many popular organizations like Team XSpark, GodLike, Soul, and Carnival will compete in this grand event.
BMPS 2024 full format
The Pro Series 2024 is scheduled to be played in three main stages: League, Semifinals, and Grand Finals. Here's the detailed breakdown:
1) League Stage - August 20 to September 14
The League Stage will be held in three different rounds, where 128 teams will compete for 24 spots in the Semifinalists.
Round 1: August 20 to September 5
Round 1 will be played over 16 days. A total of 128 participants will be divided equally into two groups: Red and Blue. Each group will have 64 teams, which will be seeded into the four sub-groups of 16 teams each. Each team will play 12 matches in Round 1. Teams will be reshuffled in the groups after their initial six matches.
After 12 matches, the top 64 teams from the overall standings will be selected for the next round. While the bottom 64 teams will be knocked out of the BMPS 2024.
Round 2 - September 7 to 10
The top 64 teams from the first round will be placed into four groups, where they will play six matches each. The top 48 teams will move to the next round, while the bottom 16 will be eliminated from the Pro Series 2024.
Round 3 - September 11 to 14
Forty-eight teams will be divided into three groups and will play eight matches each. After the first two days and four matches, teams will be reshuffled within their groups. The top 24 from the overall points table will be advanced to the Semifinals.
2) Semifinals - September 15 to 18
Those 24 teams will be seeded equally into three groups for the four-day Semifinals and will collide against each other in Round Robin format. Each club will have 16 matches to play in this stage. The top 16 teams will then move to the mega finals, while the bottom eight will face elimination.
3) Grand Finals - September 27 to 29
This ultimate stage of the BMPS 2024 will take place from September 27 to 29 in Kochi, Kerala, where the 16 finalists will participate in 18 matches across three days.