Enigma Gaming announced the departure of two of their prominent BGMI players, Maxkash and Daljitsk, on October 17. The news comes after the club’s failure in many notable tournaments, including the BGIS 2023 and BGMS Season 2. Now, with several third-party tournaments scheduled in the coming weeks, the organization is trying out new players to join their squad.
Owais, the captain of the squad, and Infinity will continue to play for them. The organization will announce its two new players in a few days.
BGMI veterans Maxkash and Daljitsk's journey with Enigma Gaming
Announcing their farewell, Enigma Gaming posted a short clip on their social media and stated:
"Thank you for everything, Daljit and Makash. You both have been an integral part of Enigma Gaming for the past two years and we are very grateful for all your contributions. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and it's with a heavy heart that we bid you farewell. Goodluck for the next chapter in your career."
Maxkash and Owais played together for a long time. After leaving Nigma Galaxy, they formed a new squad called Team Forever in 2021. Daljitsk, known for his unique skills, also joined them in 2022. Enigma Gaming then partnered with their lineup and formed Team Enigma Forever. The organization had a different BGMI lineup at the time.
In July 2022, the squad competed in the BGMI Masters Series hosted by Nodwin Gaming for a share of a huge prize pool of ₹1.5 crore. The Owais-led roster performed fairly well, taking fourth place after scoring just 10 points less than the champions. Daljit had an outstanding performance and ranked sixth on the MVP scoreboard.
After the re-release of the title in India this year, Team Enigma Forever also returned to the scene with a roster comprising Daljit, Owais, Infinity, Maxkash, and Nexus. They competed in some notable third-party tournaments between June to August 2023. However, they were not able to produce impressive results during that period.
The main roster of Enigma Gaming joined Numen Gaming following the return of BGMI. On July 22, the organization recruited Team Enigma Forever’s roster to play under the Enigma Gaming's banner. Daljit, Owais, Infinity, and Maxkash played for the club in the BGMI Masters Series Season 2 and secured 15th place there.
During BGIS 2023, Enigma Gaming showed promising performance in the initial stage but faltered in the Semifinals. The experienced squad, thus, ended their campaign on a disappointing note.