Team Prince, the ex-lineup of Gujarat Tigers, emerged as table toppers after Day 1 of the Snapdragon BGMI Pro Series Challenge Season. The squad amassed 47 points in their three matches and also secured one Chicken Dinner. Team Soul earned the second spot with 37 points after ending the day with a stunning victory in the last encounter.
Chemin and OR Esports ranked third and fourth with 37 and 35 points, respectively. Carnival Esports ensured seventh position with 34 points. Team XSpark and GodLike Esports scored 29 and 24 points to their respective names on Day 1. Gods Reign, the former Gladiators Esports lineup, and Blind Esports claimed 20 points each. Hydra and Revenant obtained only 13 and 10 points, respectively today.
Day 1 highlights of ESL Snapdragon BGMI Pro Series Challenge Season
Match 1 - Erangel - Group A and B
Autobotz Esports kicked off the campaign with a brilliant 25-point victory in the opener. Chemin, Carnival, and GodLike Esports managed 16, 15, and 14 points to their names. Hydra and Blind posted 10 and 8 points, respectively.
Match 2 - Miramar - Group A and B
Paradox’s impressive performances helped Medal Esports register their first Chicken Dinner with 25 total points. Gods Reign gained 19 points, while Gujarat Tigers secured 14 points there.
Match 3 - Erangel - Group A and B
Team XSpark performed phenomenally in the third encounter to grab a 25-point Chicken Dinner. Chemin and Carnival Esports yet again played perfectly, scoring 18 and 14 points respectively. GodLike added nine points, thanks to BGMI star Jonathan.
Match 4 - Sanhok - Group C and D
Wingod Esports dominated the fourth match by clinching a huge 32-point Chicken Dinner. Alibaba Raiders collected 18 points, including six kills. Genxfm and OR ensured 17 and 14 points, respectively.
Match 5 - Vikendi - Group C and D
Team Prince amassed 30 points, winning the fifth match thanks to their BGMI pro Prajwal’s 10 eliminations. OR and FS Esports earned 16 and 13 points, respectively. Team Soul was knocked out with four points.
Match 6 - Erangel - Group C and D
Team Soul delivered a powerful performance in the end battle of the day and achieved a 29-point Chicken Dinner. Team Prince had another great game as they garnered 17 impressive points. 8Bit added 16 points to their tally in the last game of the BGMI Pro Series Challenge Season Day 1.