Popular BGMI pro player and content creator Tanmay "Scout" Singh was livestreaming on his YouTube channel on September 29 when he briefly discussed the game's return to the Indian market. Scout said that although the game has been blocked for a long time, Battlegrounds Mobile India will not be making its comeback anytime soon.
Since Scout is a renowned individual and is followed by millions in the gaming community, his latest remarks have created a buzz amongst fans and players of Battlegrounds Mobile India.
Scout's latest comments on BGMI unban have disappointed fans
In the latest three-hour-long YouTube stream, Scout played FIFA 23 with his gaming friends. During the first few minutes of the stream, he talked about the possibility of BGMI returning and what alternative professions pro players may take up if Krafton fails to relaunch the game.
Scout mentioned that we strive and have the urge to possess many things as human beings. However, in the end, we are unable to do so. He further added how he wishes BGMI to make its comeback now, but it will not be happening anytime soon.
His exact words were:
"We want a lot of things, but we can hardly get hold of them. Have patience. Even I want BGMI to come back, but it isn't going to come back now. It will take time, but it will come back soon."
Later during the stream, another fan asked him what the various pro athletes would do if the game did not return. Replying to him, Scout mentioned that every player will have to make individual decisions as it's their respective careers that will be at stake.
He added that there is a high chance that many players will join their respective family businesses, and many will continue with their academics. Meanwhile, those who will stick to gaming will try out other games.
Scout said:
"Every player will have their own call. While many will join the family business, many will go back to their college and academics. However, those who want to continue gaming will switch games."
The star player then went on to talk about the positive chances of Call of Duty Mobile: Warzone making a great impact in the Indian gaming market. He said that he believes that CODM: Warzone will have a huge audience in India as Indian gamers love to play BR games.
Scout's latest comments have disheartened many players and fans of the popular BR title who were hoping that it would return to the virtual stores of Google and Apple soon. There is still some hope, as Scout did say the game will return, but it will take some time.