On the evening on May 22, 2023, popular BGMI streamer and S8UL's co-owner Lokesh "Goldy" Jain organized an IRL livestream on his popular YouTube channel, 8bit Goldy. He was joined by the likes of other renowned creators like Mrinmoy "Beg4Mercy" Lakhar, Salman "Mamba" Ahmad, Animesh "Thug" Agarwal, and Parv "Regaltos" Singh.
During the livestream, Goldy and others discussed several topics related to S8UL and its future plans. However, Goldy grabbed the opportunity to provide a hint regarding the tentative unban date of Battlegrounds Mobile India in the Indian mobile gaming market.
Speaking about the unban date, Goldy mentioned (translated from Hindi):
"Don't believe any date said by anyone else. I know the date that I have learned from them (Krafton). Consider that it is not coming this week. From this weekend to the end of next, it will arrive anytime in between. It may also arrive by the end of this weekend. It will come really soon."
Goldy is one of the most respected individuals in the Indian gaming community, so it is no surprise that the hints provided by him have created a great deal of buzz amongst fans and lovers of the popular Battle Royale.
Goldy assures livestream viewers about BGMI on the game's unban day
During the livestream, Goldy seemed to be in a great mood as he was excited that the game was finally coming back. Although he initially asked fans for their support, he eventually provided hints about the unban date of BGMI.
He also had to say this about BGMI unban (translated from Hindi):
"It is coming this month. Everyone knows about it. Today is 21st. Let me give you a hint. You guys have to wait for a weekend at the maximum. Who knows, it may even come before that or the day the weekend ends."
Switching topics, Goldy asked Regaltos about his decision to rejoin esports. According to Regaltos, he is taking things seriously and intends on making a comeback to esports, but he avoided providing any hints as to which team he will be representing in upcoming BGMI esports tournaments and scrims.
Returning to the original topic, Goldy assured fans that once the game is unbanned, all four of them (Mamba, Regaltos, Mercy, and Goldy) will be livestreaming the game on their respective channels.
Gamers across India can currently download the title from the Play Store. It remains to be seen when the title eventually opens its in-game servers for users to enjoy the updated version.