With the arrival of Battlegrounds Mobile India on Android devices and with the announcement of the Battlegrounds Mobile India Series 2021 (BGIS 2021), esports organizations in the country are shuffling and reorganizing their rosters, removing players, and adding new ones to give their respective teams enough chance to practice before the start of the tournament.
The latest among the long list of Indian Esports organizations to announce their new Battlegrounds roster is Future Station Esports.
The organization welcomed its new roster through various social media platforms.
Future Station Battlegrounds Mobile India roster:-
1.) Esca
2.) Lostboy
3.) SoloRush
4.) Gorgeous
The roster features some fresh faces who will look to leave their mark on the Battlegrounds Mobile India Esports scene. Esca is a known player in the community having played for many teams, he has been a part of Team Hype for the PMCO:
Spring Split India 2020. He is also known for his experience which he has gained through playing scrims in Chinese lobbies. His addition to the team will help the squad a great deal.
Solorush is a relatively new player in the Battlegrounds Mobile India Esports scene. With over 400K subscribers on YoTube, Solo rush has amassed quite the following with his flashy plays and supposedly fast reflexes. He uploads short montages of his plays in classic games and Tier-1 scrims. His performance in the upcoming tournaments will be a point of interest.
Gorgeous and LostBoy are relatively new and unknown in the Battlegrounds Mobile India esports pro scene, however, both these players have YouTube channels with over 100K subscribers and are quite popular among their subscribers.
They also upload short videos and live stream their gameplay. Their performance also remains to be seen in the upcoming events.
Future Station Esports has made quite some name for themselves in the BGMI scene. Before the ban of PUBG Mobile, the team finished 5th in the PUBG Mobile India Series 2020 with their old roster which featured top players like Samuraj and Pukar. With the addition of Gamlaboy, the team went on to finish 2nd in the PMCO: Fall Split 2020.
The org released these players sometime after PUBG Mobile and were since looking for new alternatives.
It would be interesting to see how the current team performs in the upcoming Battlegrounds Mobile India Series 2021. Fans of both Futurestation and the players will be hoping for a solid showing by the team.