GoldLike's BGMI star Suraj "Neyoo" Majumdar was recently featured on the first episode of LitTalks, a brand new YouTube show uploaded on the esports organization's channel. Neyoo gave plenty of entertaining answers to fans' questions, which were presented by GodL's general manager, Kammaljeet Singh.
One question wanted Neyoo to name someone he would love to collaborate with in the future. GodLike's BGMI athlete did not hesitate and immediately took the name of S8UL co-founder Lokesh "8bit Goldy" Jain. Neyoo said:
"I want to collab with Goldy because he has also promised me dinner."
Upon getting persuaded by Kammaljeet to invite 8bit Goldy for dinner, Neyoo added:
"Come on, Goldy, let's have dinner. We will collaborate and shoot a nice reel together. Let's play a game together."
Other questions in the episode also saw some amusing responses from the BGMI athlete.
Note: The quotes in this article have been translated by the writer.
BGMI star Neyoo answers questions in entertaining chat with GodLike's general manager Kammaljeet Singh
Thanks to GodLike Esports star Neyoo's carefree approach, the conversation between him and Kammaljeet Singh seems natural. During the chat, Suraj was asked what esports organization he was most likely to join apart from GodL. The answer to this question was "Team SouL." Furthermore, he even jokingly asked for offers from Team SouL regarding his acquisition.
One individual questioned Neyoo's gameplay and his role in the team, to which he offered a befitting reply. He said:
"If the team or Ghatak has a problem, they will bench me. I do not have any issue with that, as I only want my team to perform better and win the trophy. Even the last time I was made to sit out for a week or so, it didn't affect me, as someone else was playing better. If they are not substituting me, there will also be a reason for that. These things are not as easy as it seems to you."
Neyoo got a question about his relationship with another famous BGMI player, sc0utOP. He replied, saying:
"We do not talk, although our relations are not bad at the moment. It's just that we don't talk."
There were other highlights from the chat between Neyoo and Kammaljeet. Readers can check out the complete episode on GodLike Esports' YouTube.