Following his new signing in popular esports organization Global Esports, BGMI star, Harmandeep "Mavi" Singh returned to livestreaming on his YouTube channel for the first time a few hours ago. During the livestream, Mavi discussed topics related to his career as an esports athlete for GE and a content creator for S8UL. He also addressed fans living under the misconception that he left S8UL to join Global Esports.
He mentioned how S8UL co-owners Thug and Goldy were the ones who guided him to join GE, but only as a BGMI esports athlete.
Here's what Mavi said (translated from Hindi):
"If you guys aren't aware, I have joined Global Esports for esports. Moreover, the idea was suggested to me by Goldy and Thug. They told me to try playing esports for GE. After that, I began to make discussions with them and the joining happened. If we are together for such a long time, we will discuss every decision before we take them. Won't we? Let me clear it again for those asking me if I have left S8UL, me joining GE was based on their decision."
Global Esports announced Mavi's inclusion on June 4. The announcement video created a huge buzz among fans who thought their favorite had left S8UL. However, Mavi clearing out that he will continue being a part of both organizations in different roles has helped fans understand the scenario.
BGMI star Mavi shares how Team X Spark disbanded after the game's unban
Mavi was a successful IGL for Team X Spark. However, he parted ways with the team after the title's suspension last year. In today's stream, he cited how he left TX and became a free agent before joining GE.
Mavi stated (translated from Hindi):
"It was not that I left TX. A tournament was going on back then and we going by the performance we decided that the team cannot continue with the same players. Then the game got banned and we failed to proceed or decide what we were going to do. So, we decided to separate and choose our own paths."
Mavi also stated that he is the only one who has joined GE's BGMI esports team. Meanwhile, others are giving tryouts, and fans must wait a few more days to learn who will join Mavi in his quest to dominate tournaments and scrims.