On April 10, 2023, Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) star Aaditya "Dynamo" Sawant held a livestream on his YouTube channel. He was playing BGMI during the broadcast when a viewer asked him if Danger was still a part of Hydra Esports.
In response, the streamer revealed that Danger is no longer an integral part of Hydra Esports. He compared Danger to other departing clanmates, explaining that each of them was only part of the organization for as long as they wanted to grow. He then disclosed that he has also stopped focusing on the organization for the time being.
Timestamp: 2:44
Dynamo said (translated from Hindi):
"He is not a integral part of Hydra. He was one amongst those who were a part of Hydra as long as they had to grow. Now that they have grown, they don't feel any need to be a part of the organization. This is the only reason why I am not focusing on Hydra these days because I know what's going to happen in the future."
BGMI star Dynamo shares how he feels about the current state of Hydra Esports
In the same livestream, Dynamo shared how he feels that Hydra Esports no longer exists. He added that he does not want to run the organization alone.
The streamer said (translated from Hindi):
"I openly tell them that I don't feel any connection with them. I know what's lying in the future and hence my focus is not on Hydra. I feel like Hydra does not exist anymore and I don't want to run the organization alone. I have done it in the past because I wanted others to grow as well."
Dynamo highlighted that he became the only person who wanted to "walk with everyone," while others only thought about themselves. According to him, this is why he is now only focusing on building his own career.
The BGMI star explained (translated from Hindi):
"I wanted to walk with everyone, but when I am the only one who thinks like that and others don't, that's where the problem arises. Commitment should arrive from both sides. Hence, I have stopped helping others, I only help myself nowadays."
Danger previously stated that he would not leave Hydra like the others (Alpha Clasher, Ayush, BTS, and Emperor). However, his latest remarks seem to suggest the opposite.
It remains to be seen how Danger will react to Dynamo's comments.