On 4 June, 2023, renowned BGMI streamer Hrishav "Hrishav" Kumar held a livestream on his popular YouTube channel where he played classic matches along with his friends from the gaming community. During the broadcast, he discussed several topics related to Hydra Esports and his own career. He even talked about Dynamo's contribution to esports and Hydra.
According to Hrishav, Dynamo single-handedly managed the clan's esports division during and before the ban, making substantial personal investments. He said (translated from Hindi):
"You guys don't know that during the ban period and even before that, Dyno was the one running the lineups. He was the one investing large amounts of money. What are you guys saying about him not investing? He single-handedly provided everyone's salaries, phones, and everything else related to esports when they were in bootcamp. Everything was done by him."
Dynamo is the leader of Hydra Esports and the most subscribed BGMI YouTuber (with over 10 million subscribers on his YouTube channel). Hence, it comes as no surprise that Hrishav's words about Dynamo's contributions towards his clan have created a great deal of buzz among fans.
Hrishav believes that BGMI legend Dynamo has done a lot for Hydra Esports
Hrishav also urged fans not to doubt Dynamo because he never discloses his contributions. He went on to state (translated from Hindi):
"Dyno has invested. He has invested a lot. It's just that you guys don't get to know about it because he never discloses the amount. But he has invested a lot personally. That's what I can assure you all. He alone provided salaries to players."
The BGMI pro also assured everyone that being a part of Hydra Esports did not taint his opinions. He said (translated from Hindi):
"You guys might think I am taking his side because I am in Hydra, but I was there, I saw everything, and no one can deny his contributions. It was Dyno who managed everything. It's not that he is not interested (in esports)."
Hydra is yet to announce their lineup for upcoming BGMI esports tournaments and matches. However, with Hrishav confirming Dynamo's interest in esports, fans will be hoping that they add great players to their lineup.