The mobile gaming world was taken by shock once again when Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) was banned. It seems like history is repeating itself as almost two years ago, back in August 2020, PUBG Mobile (the global version) was banned in the country.
BGMI was removed from the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store yesterday, 29 July 2022, at around 7:00 pm IST. Rumors of a potential ban started circulating almost immediately.
They proved to be true once the official website of the battle royale game confirmed the ban due to the order received from the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.
Fans have taken to Twitter and other social media to express their disappointment at the current situation, with one fan saying:
Enraged fans take to Twitter over BGMI's ban
Popular battle royale game PUBG Mobile was banned back in the day because of its Chinese roots. Due to India’s growing tension with the neighboring country, the government decided to ban games and mobile apps that were owned by a Chinese company.
PUBG Mobile, being Tencent company’s product was banned as a result of it. The ban on the global version negatively affected the esports industry in the country.
Krafton, a South Korean company, developed a tailor-made version of PUBG Mobile for the Indian audience, thereby resulting in the release of BGMI. The Indian version of the battle royale game was released in July 2021.
Just a year after its release, the game was banned without any premonition by the government. The cause of the ban may be due to the case where a sixteen-year-old killed his mother in a row over "PUBG."
This led a non-government organization, PRAHAR, to file a report with the government asking the officials to ban the game as it entices violence in children. However, this is just a rumor and readers are requested to take it with a pinch of salt.
Due to the ban of the battle royale game, many fans have taken to Twitter to show how enraged they are. Many have also requested that the government unban the game due to its thriving esports ecosystem in the country.
It is evident that the ban will negatively affect the esports industry in India. BGMI Masters Series 2022 was recently broadcast and was the first esports tournament that was aired on Indian television. If the ban is not lifted within two/three days, some major upcoming tournaments will have to be canceled.