On May 7, 2023, prominent BGMI esports star Hemanth "Ultron" Sethi streamed the ongoing scrims live on his popular YouTube channel. During the broadcast, he addressed the ongoing matter surrounding JokerOG's recent Instagram story. Ultron mentioned that he urged his fans not to express hate towards anyone. He then went on to apologize for the abusive words he said in the previous live stream.
However, he implored JokerOG to not fret over it and that he could stop watching his streams if his abuses sting him.
Timestamp: 0:46
His exact words were (translated from Hindi):
"I am saying that there is no need to give hate to someone. I abused due to game rage and if anyone felt bad, I am sorry. But take the game rage as it is and stop putting it on stories and crying over it. If the abuses sting so much, stop watching my stream."
Ultron and JokerOG are renowned personalities in the BGMI esports community and are followed by thousands. The former's reply to the latter's recent Instagram story has already created a considerable buzz amongst fans.
BGMI pro Ultron urges fans not to express hatred against JokerOG
Continuing on the same matter, Ultron stated how he turned off his livestream after his moment of rage. He also said he made the stream private to restrict people from witnessing the incident and tried to stop them from getting influenced against JokerOG.
Ultron added (translated from Hindi):
"I am not influencing anyone to give hate to Joker. It was personal rage, after which I stopped the stream. I even made the stream private so that no one can watch it afterwards and get influenced. There are a lot of people who watchy my streams later on, I stopped them from watching my game rage."
Ultron referred to the point where JokerOG taunted him to show his current position in the esports scene. According to Ultron, he was in the same position as everyone else in the community.
Timestamp: 2:35
As mentioned earlier, Ultron replied as a result of JokerOG's Instagram story. It highlighted his concerns over Ultron abusing him on livestream while Team INS killed him in a BGMI scrims match.
Despite regular controversies in the esports community, BGMI continues to be suspended in the Indian gaming market. It remains to be seen when MeitY and Krafton will be on the same terms and relist the BR title for download on Google and Apple's virtual storefronts.