S8UL Esports' co-owner, Animesh "Thug" Agarwal, who is quite famous among Indian gaming fans (primarily BGMI and PUBG Mobile followers), recently sent out a cryptic tweet that got many talking. Although he didn't clarify it, many assumed it might be something big related to S8UL's plans in the coming two months. However, amidst all the speculations, Thug clarified the context of his tweet during a recent livestream.
Former BGMI and PUBG streamer Animesh "Thug" was asked about the context of the stream during his stream from May 8, to which he responded (translated from Hindi):
"There was no context to the tweet, I was just farming. I usually don't have anything to farm for, so I tweeted it without giving it much thought ... But, yes, it's going to be very interesting [during] the next two months. Just watch the kind of things that are going to happen in the industry."
Although Thug confirmed that there wasn't context behind the cryptic tweet, he still left room for speculation. A section of BGMI star's followers also talked about a potential partnership between JioGames and S8UL Esports, but he denied the same during his recent livestreams.
"Mausam Bigad sakta h" - Former BGMI streamer and S8UL co-owner Animesh "Thug" in a cryptic tweet
For those unaware, Animesh "Thug" tweeted on May 8 referring to something that might happen in the coming two months. Readers can find his tweet above, with its literal translation as follows (translated from Hindi):
"Weather can worsen! Ensure you fasten your seatbelts andodo sit with a two-months worth of popcorn supply."
His remark might be related to the online drama and verbal spats between the players/content creators (including GodLike and Tanmay "Scout" Singh's TX) from different organizations. Still, nothing is clear as of this writing.
Readers still need to take everything with a grain of salt until Thug or S8UL makes anything official, especially the rumored JioGames partnership that the BGMI star refuted in his recent livestream. Here's what he said:
"There's no scene of JioGames! I don't know where the JioGames rumor started. There's no scene of JioGames."
Interestingly, Thug had previously called the JioGames partnership rumors "baseless" after fans asked him about the same last week. The reason behind the speculations is the inactivity of S8UL Esports content creators on the streaming platform, Loco.