Renowned BGMI YouTuber Hrishav "Hrishav" Kumar held a livestream on February 20, 2023, where he discussed various topics regarding the ongoing issues with Hydra Esports. During the stream, he mentioned the possibility of him becoming the next co-leader of Hydra after the departure of Alpha Clasher.
Hrishav mentioned that he was not mature enough to become the next co-leader of Hydra. He wasn't the co-leader, and he will not be the one. He also stated that all he can do is provide Dynamo with suggestions that will benefit the organization and help it move forward. He has done it and will do so in the future.
Timestamp: 2:44
His exact words were:
"I am not mature enough to be the co-leader of Hydra. I wasn't the one, I am still not going to be the one. What more can I say? All I can do is give suggestions to Dynamo as I have done in the past. Everything else is in Dynamo's hands. He makes the final decisions."
BGMI star Hrishav confirms his stay at Hydra Esports on livestream
Later on, in the same livestream, Hrishav was asked by one of his subscribers about the possibility of him leaving Hydra. The YouTuber replied that only a maniac could think like that. He also highlighted that he is not taking advantage of a bad situation and will not leave Hydra.
He said:
"Are you guys mad? I am clearing things by washing my hands in the flowing river, but that does not imply that I can take such a harsh step of leaving Hydra."
Hrishav is a popular figure in the BGMI community. Hence, it's no surprise that his recent remarks generated so much fan buzz.
BGMI star Danger assures fans that he will not be the next Hydra co-leader
For those unaware, renowned BGMI player and Hrishav's clan mate Danger also addressed the issue on a livestream he organized on February 17. He was congratulated on becoming the new co-leader of Hydra by a follower. However, the streamer denied it, clarifying that he would not be the co-leader of the organization any time soon.
Timestamp: 3:04
Danger also mentioned that none of the Hydra Esports members could replace Alpha Clasher, who played a crucial role in shaping the organization along with Dynamo.
With things not going well, it remains to be seen whether Dynamo takes all the organization's responsibility upon himself or appoints an older clanmate as the co-leader.