On April 5, 2023, Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) star Harmandeep "Mavi" Singh hosted a livestream on his LOCO channel while playing the popular BR title with his friends. During the broadcast, he talked about the possibility of him playing alongside Tanmany "Scout" Singh.
Mavi stated that he will continue to play GTA V Roleplay on the newly introduced SOULCITY server. He will also play PC games and classic BGMI matches with Scout, but not competitive esports.
When a viewer urged him not to play competitive esports with Scout, Mavi said he will not play competitive esports with him as they no longer gel well enough to put on great performances.
His exact words were (translated from Hindi):
"Can play GTA RP, PC games as well as classic matches, but playing competitive seems to be problematic. I won't play competitive with him because we don't have chemistry. That's the problem."
For those unaware, Scout and Mavi are considered one of the best duos in Battlegrounds Mobile India esports and have millions of social media followers. It's, therefore, no surprise that Mavi's recent statements on playing BGMI esports with Scout have got fans buzzing.
BGMI pro Mavi talks about potentially joining a new organization
In a livestream on his LOCO channel, Mavi talked about the possibility of him joining a new esports organization for the upcoming Battlegrounds Mobile India esports scrims and tournaments.
The streamer highlighted that nothing had been decided yet. He added that he is currently playing the ongoing scrims with new teammates on a daily basis.
Timestamp: 0:31
Mavi's exact statements were (translated from Hindi):
"Nothing has been decided yet. Right now I am practicing with new people on a daily basis. I am grinding in the game to get my flow back."
Despite Mavi staying optimistic about playing BGMI esports scrims and tournaments with a new team, the game remains suspended in India to date. It remains to be seen when Krafton, the developers of the title, and the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) can settle their disputes and relaunch the game on the country's digital storefronts.