On April 8, 2023 renowned esports organization Team SoloMid India released a podcast video highlighting popular BGMI players like NinjaJOD, Aquanox, and BlazeOP. The podcast was hosted by the team's BGMI coach Mayavi. During the broadcast, NinjaJOD was seen rating his former IGL ShadowOG and citing reasons for his rating.
NinjaJOD rated ShadowOG as a B-grade IGL and mentioned how BlazeOP used to play a role in filtering the team and doing half of ShadowOG's work. NinjaJOD stated that he has never seen his former IGL display great gameplay.
NinjaJOD also mentioned that ShadowOG had an ego or attitude problem, which prevented him from accepting his faults and blinded his judgment, making him think of himself as the best.
Timestamp: 12:23
His exact words were (translated from Hindi):
"I would rate him a B. As long as he was with us, Blaze used to act as a filter and do half of his work. I never saw him showcasing great gameplay. However, his biggest problem was that he never accepted his fault. I don't know if he had an ego or if it was his attitude that made him feel that he was the best. I think accepting your faults is important."
NinjaJOD is currently a part of TSM, while ShadowOG represents GodLike Esports. Both these popular organizations have been the subject of multiple controversies in recent months, so it's no surprise that NinjaJOD's recent remarks have got fans buzzing.
BGMI star NinjaJOD claims that former IGL ShadowOG was overconfident
According to NinjaJOD, ShadowOG was overconfident and would treat every win lightly. He mentioned that every team that has made it to the top tier deserves respect and recognition for their hard work.
NinjaJOD also made a controversial statement, requesting that Clutchgod return to his role as the IGL of GodLike Esports. His reasoning was that TSM wasn't facing enough competition and needed a stronger opponent.
The BGMI pro added (translated from Hindi):
"He also had a lot of overconfidence. After winning the tournament, he used to consider it an easy win. I don't think anyone should ever take their opponents lightly. Every team grinds hard to reach the top tier. I hope if he accepts his faults, he will perform better. Moreover, I would request Clutchgod to comeback, we are not facing any competition."
Due to concerns raised by the Indian government over data privacy issues, the future of BGMI's official return to the Indian market remains uncertain. However, fans are eagerly awaiting for the game's return so that they can enjoy esports tournaments once again.