On April 5, 2023, Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) esports star Harmandeep "Mavi" Singh hosted a livestream on his LOCO channel. During the broadcast, he spoke about his demands from the organization that will sign him in the future.
The streamer revealed that he wants to join an organization that would give him full control over signing and releasing players. According to him, this would help him perform better and wreak havoc in matches.
His exact words were (translated from Hindi):
"I want an organization where I will have full control. I will decide who to take and who to release. After that, you will see me create havoc. Wherever people find a loophole, they create problems."
Mavi is one of the best BGMI IGLs in the Indian gaming community and has a massive fan following. It's no surprise that his opinion has garnered a considerable amount of attention from fans and esports enthusiasts in the country.
BGMI pro Mavi reveals problems he faced in Team X Spark and how he enjoyed authority in Orange Rock Esports
In the same livestream, Mavi stated that players at Team X Spark were easily able to talk to both Scout and him, which created a mess. He also revealed how players who were unhappy with him would complain to Scout and vice-versa.
The BGMI star said (translated from Hindi):
"In TX, players could talk to me and Scout. Those who were angry at me would go and Scout and those who were angry at him would come and talk to me."
Mavi then talked about how he had some control while playing for OR Esports. He highlighted how he was able to manage the team and even scold players when needed.
Mavi said (translated from Hindi):
"In OR, I had full control. I was given the power to suggest names who can join as well as who to release. I could scold players and control the matches according to my plans. There were no problems."
For those unaware, Mavi led OR Esports to a second-place finish in the PUBG Mobile World League 2020, which happens to be the best finish for an Indian team in international tournaments to date.